A downloadable Text Adventure for Windows

This was the first thing I made after learning how to code. It's super basic, no UI or UX elements, just code. When some of my friends play tested it, it took about an hour on average to finish.

To play just type commands and hit enter. (have to 'start' before you can do anything else, including exit)

!! Please remember to say 'exit game' if you are closing the game before you've won. This will ensure it clears the data properly. !!

A common bug - If commands don't seem to be working, all commands are two word entries, so if you do an odd amount of words (1 or 3 for example), it will get confused. So to fix, type 1 more word to even it back out.

There are most likely typos and stuff, so please let me know if you notice anything wrong.

Unzip file, may need to use 7zip which is what I used, and run the application in the main folder. 

To change text size - Right click on the top of the application window, select properties, and then you can change the font size.


TextAdventure2022ver1.7z 813 kB

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